a man jumps in the air with his leg high in the air and plays air guitar on stage

Air Gui­tar World Cham­pions­hips

20.8. – 22.8.2025
Incredible performances, international love and big emotions – welcome to the airiest competition in the world!

The Air Guitar World Championships is a celebration of love and peace. In 25 years, the semi absurd performance art has grown into a favourite of international audiences and media, spreading its message around the world. The year of air guitar culminates in August in Oulu, where national champions and black horses arrive to compete for the world championship. The official Air Guitar World Championships network includes over 10 countries from almost all continents.

The AGWC Finals offers performances from the world’s best air guitarists and a magnificent show for old and new friends of air guitar. In the Black Horses Qualifying Round the night before, the prize is an instant place to the world finals. In addition to the contest events, Air Guitar World Championships offer air guitar-themed events for tourists.

The next Air Guitar World Championship competition takes place in August 2024. The Air Guitar World Championships are organized by Airnest Productions Oy.


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