Extrat, Oulun juhlaviikot

Oulu August Festivals

Oulu August Festivals is an event entity of six festivals and additional programs, which attracts approximately 60,000 visitors annually. In 2025, Oulu August Festivals is held 31 July - 30 August.

The members of Oulu August Festivals are Elojazz, Oulunsalo Soi Chamber Music Festival, Literary Art Festival Muusajuhlat, Oulu Arts Night, Oulu Music Video Festival, Air Guitar World Championships and Flow Productions. In August, the members organize well-established, high-quality cultural events.

Oulu August Festivals offers also other events, such as Choir Day, events for children and macro concerts. A month-long celebration of culture features hundreds of events ranging from music and cinema to literature and performance arts. Whether you are a friend of music, dance, or pop culture, Oulu August Festivals has it all.

Oulu August Festivals follow the guidelines for safer spaces in its events. Read the principles of a safer space below.

Oulu August Festivals is a member of Finland Festivals and belongs to the VisitOulu network. Oulu August Festivals has the EcoCompass environmental certificate. Oulu August Festivals is organised by Oulu Culture Events Association.

Principles of a safer space

Give others space, pay attention to your choice of words and remember the diversity of people. Don't mock, demean, or embarrass anyone with your words or actions. Ask for space for yourself as well, if needed.

Respect everyone's right to self-determination and don't make assumptions about others' gender, background, family relationships, health or abilities among other things.

If you witness harassment or other inappropriate treatment, do not remain a bystander.

Face new topics and people without prejudice, take every new thing and situation that comes your way as an opportunity to learn something new and develop.

Making mistakes and asking questions is allowed. If you offend someone, apologize, and try to forgive others as well if they unintionally offend you.

If you encounter or witness improper treatment, you have the right to intervene. You can also notify the event organizers or send an email to info@oulunjuhlaviikot.fi.

The members of Oulu August Festivals

ElojazzOu­lun­sa­lo Soi Cham­ber Music Fes­ti­valLi­te­ra­ry Art Fes­ti­val Muusa­juh­latOulu Arts NightOulu Music Video FestivalAir Gui­tar World Cham­pions­hipsFlow Productions


Pia Alatorvinen
Executive Director
Communication & partnerships, association matters
+358 44 723 2676
Anu Lähteenmäki
Executive producer, treasurer
Delta Life project management, Oulunsalo Soi -festival, invoicing
+358 44 333 5581
Laura Siitonen
Event production: Extras, Choir Day, children's programme
+358 41 313 5341
Anna-Kaisa Kettunen
Air Gui­tar World Cham­pions­hips
+358 44 240 5985
Visiting address

Kulttuuritalo Valve, 2nd floor
Hallituskatu 7,
90100 Oulu

Postal address

Oulu Culture Events Association
PL 42
90015 Oulun kaupunki

E-invoice address

We only accept e-invoices. Processing e-invoices is faster, more reliable and cheaper for both the sender and the recipient than processing paper invoices.

Oulu Cultural Events Association, Business ID 2378655-2

Operator: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)
E-invoice address: 003723786552
EDI ID: 003723786552

If you cannot send e-invoices, the address of Oulu Culture Events Association e-mail scan is: 003723786552@procountor.apix.fi

The last option is to send paper invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service at:

Oulun Kulttuuritapahtumayhdistys ry (Apix skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

The billing address should also be printed on the invoice itself, and not just on the envelope. No material other than invoices should be sent to this billing address.
