Roots – folk music and dance event


Roots is a folk music and dance event that combines community spirit with contemporary Finnish folk music.

The folk music band Nope orchestrates an hour-long concert on the Rotuaari stage. The performance includes guided easy folk dances to the music, culminating in an exuberant communal dance, the huutokatrilli. The concert is a collaboration with students from Madetoja Music High School, and dance instruction is provided by dance pedagogy students and young professionals from Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

The event is open to everyone and free of charge.

Nope is an Oulu-based contemporary folk music band that charms audiences at first sight. As one of the leading groups in Finnish folk music, Nope has been performing for 10 years at major domestic folk festivals and has made significant contributions to the local folk dance scene in Oulu.

neljä kansanmuusikkoa soittimien kanssa kivikolla ja meri taustalla



25.8. klo 13.00


Rotuaari Square


Free Entry

